About Mountain Warrior Kung Fu
Seeking mastery as opposed to mediocrity.
The Mountain Warrior Kung Fu Academy was established in 1998 as a center for positive self-development through the study of martial arts.
Kung Fu, literally translated, means “Working Hard Towards Great Accomplishment.”
At Mountain Warrior Kung Fu Academy, we believe that statement should apply to everything that we do.
Defensive Tactics training is #1, but to powerfully support that development we must have all four: great health, a fantastic attitude, and a calm center through meditation (Chi Kung) practice.
If you would like to grow in any or all of these areas then we are here to help.
Mountain Warrior Kung Fu Teachers
Sifu Joseph Bronson
At 7 years old I began my journey into the warrior arts.
As a child, that journey was about fighting skills. I did not like being bullied at school and I was a shy child with an abusive father. So, not only did I want to be able to defend myself, I also wanted to escape my home life.
I trained very hard and was gifted with martial arts teachers and mentors that were brutally tough. Some of my most notable teachers include Grand Master Chan Pui (Wah Lum Tam Tui Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu), Grand Master Remy Presas (Modern Arnis), Grand Master Willem de Thouars (Kuntao Silat de Thouars) James Keating (Comtech Systems), Rich Manenti (Kajukenbo Chuan Fa Kung Fu), Joe Coelho (Jeet Kune Do and Filipino stick fighting) and many more gifted/talented teachers that were gracious enough to share their skills with me.
As I gained skills, I also gained confidence.
As I grew, I learned from my mentors how this path was not about fighting.
Sure, greater fighting skills were developed. But the real lesson was in how the dedication to the rigorous training developed the inner strength to pursue all things in life with the idea of seeking mastery as opposed to mediocrity.
After over half of a century (52 years to be exact) of training I believe that myself and my student helpers/assistant instructors can guide you to a more powerful/authentic life through the study of the warrior arts.

Phoenix Sanders
My martial arts journey actually started around age 9. I was enrolled in a Kung Fu Class, but I do not remember the teacher’s name or the style that was taught. The teacher had an amazing way of making me believe in myself and even though I was not in the class for a very long, I knew that the warrior arts were for me.
I had a tough home life and my father died when I was 13. So my martial arts training did not resurface in my life until I had become a mother. I joined a karate class and soon moved up to the rank of children’s instructor and I ended up teaching the children’s karate program. Soon after word that school shut down because the instructor left town. Not wanting to let the children down or give up I kept teaching the children. I moved my class to the local community center. This is about the time I met Joseph Bronson. He had just moved to town and was establishing his Kung Fu school. I took an introductory class and was blown away by the amazing difference between his Kung Fu and the karate that I had been learning. Joseph Bronson was a much better instructor and the program was what I thought the martial arts should be instead of what I had been learning in Karate. The other plus was his program has boxing and kickboxing in it, which is something I am truly passionate about. My dad taught my brother boxing but not me and I always had the bug deep inside me to learn and do boxing/kickboxing.
I became one of his first students here in McMinnville about 25 years ago and a little over a year later I became his wife. I became the first female black belt in his school. For several years I taught the Mighty Monkeys program (that was for children 3 to 5). I have ran many special training sessions/programs throughout the years, such as for Juliette’s House and I have taught Cardio Kickboxing for women’s boot camps, gyms, and Linfield College. I feel my most notable martial arts accomplishment was training for and competing in full contact kickboxing matches. At that time I was about 35 with 3 kids when I stepped into the ring.
Over the past 20 years I have specialized in herbal medicine, taught herbal classes, coached people in holistic nutrition, and I have helped many students with injuries or illnesses with this knowledge.
Having helped run the Kung Fu school with my husband for many years has taught me many great lessons, for example perseverance, helping the community, aging gracefully, taking care of myself, and not giving up. As I age and I am now a Ya Ya (Grandmother) I look forward to training and progressing in my Kung Fu for the rest of my life.
I look forward to helping all of the students here at the Mountain Warrior Kung Fu School achieve their physical and martial arts goals and at the same time I also look forward to our granddaughters being in our program. I now get to see them start and grow in the martial arts much younger than when my children and I started and that’s pretty awesome!