Not too long ago I needed to do some work on one of my trucks.
Not being a mechanic I was very fortunate to have my multi-talented father in-law visiting. He has been a mechanic for many years and I was lucky to have him guide me through the job at hand. One of the things that struck me though was that I did not have enough tools in my toolbox. To do the job I had to go buy some specialty tools. One of them being a pickle fork! I had never even heard of a pickle fork, but there I was, needing one for the first time in my life.
Thank God this was not a fight for my life where the move (the tool) I needed to survive was not in my arsenal (toolbox). You see all of the moves (tools) that you add to your arsenal (toolbox) are all vitally important to your survival in a life threatening situation. As you learn the moves in your kung fu training study all of the possible ways that you could use them. Then if you are confronted by an attacker who wants to take your life you may just have the right tools to do the job.
Train hard, in the martial arts world. This makes the move (tool) more effective. Then, and this will be for the rest of your life, study each move to understand its full potential.
Remember if you truck breaks down and you don’t have the right tools to fix it, you may find yourself up the proverbial creek without a paddle. You definitely do not want to be up that creek in a fight
Yours In The Arts,
Sifu Joseph Bronson